Tips and pictures of how I finish binding in 3 different ways
- Necklines, arm/wrist, bottom. When you have a natural beginning and ending
- Blankets etc
- Blanket with a loop for hanging
Neckline, arm/wrist, bottom * new pictures are comming*
Sew one shoulder seam, leave one open.
Bind the neckline
I use PRYM aqua glue, a dot on the end of the binding. Press together. Turn and check that the binding are lined up. Cut of the extra binding
Sew (overlock) together
Pull down the threads, fold the seam from the overlock
Stitch down the seam by hand.
Smal stitches on the egde and on the back of the binding
Blankets etc. without a natural beginning
Binding a blanket with no natural start/finish can be a bit tricky. Here are one way to do it.
Cut about 1 cm to create a start. Fold away the back and start binding slow
Bind around the whole blanket
Fold the blanket and sew the binding together. Here I use the PRYM aqua glue pen instead of needle.
Cut one of the binding, fold the other over and sew it down.
Tip – hide the seam under a label
Blanket with a loop
Begin at a corner ( or just after a corner)
Bind around the whole blanket. Trim the beginning of the binding and sew over it. Continue sewing on binding only (this will form the loop)
Cut at suitable length, form a loop and stitch it to the blanket or place a button.
There are many ways to finish a binding. This is how I like to do mine.